About Katie

Hi, I'm Katie.

I'm a nursing student in Southern California and each day my passion for health and fitness is growing stronger.

I believe the role of the nurse which I practice in the hospital needs to be expanded in order to promote better health and well-being, rather than just treat and "cover up" the symptoms.

I plan to take my career on a more holistic and naturopathic route somehow related to integrative health: the health care of the future.

I love learning about the many forms of traditional health and medicine,which have been upheld throughout the hundreds or even thousands of year, and incorporating into the modern medicine that is most popular in the United States today.

So, this is my blog about my baby steps towards better health & nutrition, and new ways of fitness. I'd love to share it with others who have the same passion as I do so we can grow and learn together! 

Finding the route to health and fitness is not easy. I'm not sure how many people will choose to follow my blog, and although I'm technically not a "professional yet", I am more than happy to help anyone and everyone with some guidance on where to start or where to go. Gotta put all this education of mine to use somehow! And if I don't have good enough advice, I have plenty of resources I can pass on to you during your journey to health!


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