Sunday, March 31, 2013


Hi everyone!

I've had my own personal blog for a few years now. It was mainly for family to see what I'm up to while I'm busy in school. But I found that I had urges to make a bunch of posts about my weird health and fitness activities: cooking, baking, working out, fitness adventures...all things I'm not sure my family wants to hear about all the time. 

SO! I added this new blog (there is a link from my personal blog to my health blog on the top tabs...and vice versa) so I can share my passion and hear what others do and think, as well! I'm not sure if this will be popular or not, but I'll give it a try. 

Worst case scenario: it will be a nice mental distraction from school 


As for now, this is what a majority of my "health & fitness" life consists of:


outdoors/hiking adventures
beach time (sunny or cloudy!) 

clean eating

 but MOSTLY: nursing school (for now...)